SJT in India

It was 14th April 1882, a great date in the History of the congregation. On that day, the first sister appointed to go to India was the superior, Mother Anselme. The others who accompanied her were sister Marie de L’ Assumption, sister Auralien, sister Marie Flavie and sister Gervasie. On 11th May 1882, the sister reached India landing in Pondichery. They started their mission among the sick at Bowring Hospital, with lot of trials and challenges. The dear sisters served the sick, needy and poor bearing in their mind their mission.

Around the year 1953, in this compound where you are, there were two schools for girls, existing already. One mainly for the Anglo Indians – St. Francis Xavier Girls’ High School and another for the Indians, Rajamma Thumboo Chetty School, which is now known as St.Joseph’s Convent Girls’ High School. At that time a parent with four children came to Bangalore from Punjab. He approached Mother Maurice, who was the principal of R.T.C. School. His children could not be admitted in either of these existing schools, because they neither knew English well, nor the vernacular of the place.

However he desired to give good education for his children. The far-sighted and charismatic leader Mother Maurice, who had a large heart for the poor, the forsaken, and also for the hardworking, promised the parent, to coach the children and educate them in the existing curriculum. She then asked Sr.Urban who was teaching in R.T.C. at that time, to help these children. The children were taught English in the morning and light subjects in the afternoon. The children were accommodated in a room in the R.T.C. building. Thus the seedling was planted for Holy Angel’s School.  Soon, some more children, mostly from middle class families chose to join this small group. 

Eventually the number increased. At that time, Sr.Clotilda was transferred to Bangalore from another school. She was given charge of this group of 20 to 24 children. She gave her full energy to tutor these children in the academic subjects and extra-curricular activities. The number increased now, and there was a need for a bigger place. The little group of children belonging to this small Holy Angles’ Primary School was shifted to this present place where
the school now stands, which was then known as the boys’ school.

It was at this time Sr.Virgine who was already a full-pledged and experienced teacher in R.T.C. School, was asked to take charge of this Holy Angel’s School. Sr.Virgine was the Head Mistress of this school for 21 long years. She dedicated her entire youthful energy for the upliftment of this school, worked for its recognition and brought it up to the Higher Primary Level and got a place of recognition in the field of education. During all this time the school had acknowledged gratefully its attachment to R.T.C. School. Most of the time the school joined R.T.C. School for Public Cultural Programmes. Holy Angels’ Higher Primary School considered the R.T.C. School as its place of birth.


Pillars of Holy Angels
HeadMistress of HAS
A number of sisters served the school as the Head Mistress. Each one had laid a milestone to build up this beautiful institution. Sr.Virgine was the first Head Mistress of Holy Angels’ Higher Primary School followed by Sr.Fatima, Sr.Assumption, Sr.Calixta, Sr.Mary of Jesus, Sr.Mary of the Sacred Heart, Sr.Catherine Charles, Sr.Basil, Sr. Sylvia Christie and our present Head Mistress Sr.Maria Assumpta Rashmie. They have been our pillars enabling the school to reach to its height. The staff are the architects of Holy Angels’ school in designing the children to face the challenges in life.
Old Memories